I was recently taken to task when I said in a Facebook post that I didn’t see any real value in Bed Bug Dogs. After all, they are expensive and sometimes tough to find and schedule.
But after thinking about it I want to change my opinion. I can see how handy a dog would be if you are buying a new home or condo. You could have one come in to sniff out the bugs hidden in the carpets and crevices.
Bed Bugs carry a stigma with them. The general impression that most people carry is that having an infestation somehow means your home is dirty. This just isn’t true.
Bed Bugs can be found in apartments, libraries, restaurants, hotels, and workplaces. They are found in boxes that get delivered to your home. These bugs can get into your home attached to furniture or clothing.
My reader also pointed out that bed bug dogs can also be helpful narrowing down where the bedbugs are so you know where to treat.
Also, businesses could find them handy. If you were running a hotel and had a bed bug report you would probably want to know if there were any other rooms infested.
The dogs can also reportedly detect a much smaller infestation than you could by visual inspections.
So – my bad. I take back my previous post and must agree that there are many situations where a bed bug dog would be handy. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks!